
Noun a workshop or studio, especially one used by an artist or designer.

If we take a stroll through history, we find that playing paved the way for all sorts of inventions. The unrestricted and imaginative state of play is the building block of innovation. 

Play Atelier fosters entrepreneurial thinking by designing arenas of social experimentation. We believe that innovation emerges from the unknown, and makers shape society through bottom-up thinking. 

Playfulness is a mechanism of evolution. It boosts our engagement and adaptability. To innovate individually and together, we must allow experimenting with our ideas, minds and hands. Caught in a societal and individual linear mindset, we often dismiss this potential. Our brains are wired for pattern recognition - when we don’t allow ourselves to move beyond this, what ideas are we missing out on?

The Burning Man society shows the potential of what happens when we must allow unrestricted expression and flow of ideas. A blank canvas filled with imagination led to a city conjured through bottom-up order, emergent thinking. This ecosystem, designed with a permission to play, leads to favorable conditions for innovation and creativity. 

Collectively making and believing creates richer feedback loops that significantly adapt our systems. Sharing imperfect findings with each other allows us to assemble the whole puzzle together, instead of refining our own isolated piece.

This ethos guides our adaptive strategies, juggling your organisation’s context with our own ingredients of permission, play and prototyping. We help our clients embed spaces of permission into their organisational structure. Once a guiding idea emerges, we support them in operationalizing it into a solution. We believe freedom, connection, and localized solutions should guide healthy decision-making. 

 Renewing social experimentations is how our advisory service remains on the bleeding edge of innovation, engaging each player in a way that speaks to them. Promoting these practices and values on a wider scale is how we nurture communities and the entrepreneurial world to create regenerative playgrounds of solutions.